Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mixed bag

So, I have a completely mixed bag of stuff to present:

1. Went to dinner with the fam last night, actually dragged another family along with us after the 10 (yeah you heard that right 10) of us went to see Pirates 3. So, get done with our Asian repast, friends' wife reads her fortune: "If the shoe fits, its' probably your size."


To which my 6 year old daugher replied, "my fortune says 1, 12 22, what's that number daddy?"


2. I lived with my Dad growing up and would go visit my Mom on holidays and during the summer. For those of you old enough to remember, V the mini series had come out a few months earlier and Mom and I had enjoyed it immensly. One day we are playing dominoes at our table, listening to the TV. Moms' face was kind of shiny, but I didn't think anything of it, until I look back from the TV and she is PEELING HER FACE OFF!!!!!!!!!!

I actually flew out the door, meaning my feet didn't touch the floor, so Mom was pretty amazed, I also learned about facial masks that day.

3. Wow, I know pageant entrants have to have thick skin, but this had to have sucked.

4. This is totally my type of guy. I have several unfavorable opinions about modern day men and what we are teaching our children in general. And I may not agree totally with this guy, but he saw something that needed to be done and did it, and doesn't want any reward for it.

5. In honor of Min over at Mamadrama


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